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Friends + Family

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    Thanksgiving aftermath.

    Everyone cleared their plates, nobody got food poisoning, and there are plenty of leftovers. I think that means Thanksgiving dinner was a success! Today we are recuperating.…

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    Moo & Oink Market.

    What a weekend we had in Newburgh! On Saturday, we attended the grand opening celebration for our friends’ new local food market, Moo & Oink. We are SO EXCITED to have a…

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    Adam’s bedroom!

    Back in June, I started a blog with my good friend Adam to document renovations I was urging him to make on his house. I’m so happy to see that he has…

  • Thank you.

    Pssst…I’m still here! I have lots of house projects to post about, I’m just so incredibly busy with work-work right now—I feel like I don’t have any brain space left at the…

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    Tomorrow is the big day.

    This is really the only thing I’m thinking about. I want this so much for my family, my friends, my country, and our world. Please, please. Let this happen. VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN on…

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    Old school.

    Sunday was a wonderful, sweet day. I got to see Nicole for the second time this year (!), which was great in itself, but spending time with her in our Upsate New…

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