Monthly Archives

November 2010

  • fauxdenza.jpg


    Okay, first of all, I have to apologize to the French—and all other living humans—for unleashing the horrible, hybrid pseudo-word “fauxdenza” on the world. I actually Googled it before starting this post…

  • Sitcom theme songs of my childhood.

    If you were born in the United States in the 1970s and your family owned a television, chances are you got to see some pretty wonderful sitcoms (many of them produced by…

  • mammabiscuit_3.jpg

    Mamma Biscuit as Anna Wintour.

    I asked my friend and fellow book cover designer, John, to write up a little press release about his rescue pug’s big win this past weekend at costume contest in Fort Tryon…

  • Today in Newburgh.

    When I was a kid, I always thought it was stupid that people would actually take trips up to my hometown during October just to look at the leaves changing color. I…

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