I’ve blogged about Atlanta-based artist Jen Ray before (her “Siempre” print was on my wish list back in 2009, and more recently her “Toro” print made an appearance on the It List post I wrote for sfgirlbybay), but after opening my mailbox to some of her tiny treasures earlier today, I decided I really need to post about her more recent work.
Product photos by Jen Ray // All pieces available in Jen’s Etsy shop, Corduroy
Look at these clay animals! Oh my gosh, SO cute. I chose the Action Mole with Mint Mittens (I love moles), but there are plenty of others, too. This little guy is my spirit animal, and he’s already made a home for himself on my work table. I love having him there! The best thing about Jen’s work is that it’s friendly. Her illustration style, penmanship and renderings of animals are so open and warm, and everything she makes immediately feels like it could come and live with you and be a good friend.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure I want to buy everything in her shop!
UPDATE, December 2014: Jen Ray’s shop (full of gorgeous, handmade pottery) can now be found here.
Product photos by Jen Ray // All pieces available in Jen’s Etsy shop, Corduroy
Genius! Epic. Love.
It really means so much when people (like you) really GET what I’m doing, especially when there are those who would say that making Action Moles and drawing Honey Badgers is a ridiculous way to spend days and make a living.
Thanks a million Anna. You so totally rock. 🙂
HOW have I missed the honey badger?!?
Also, I want to buy every single one of those tiny little animals!
I had to buy the little bunny for my work desk. It’s been kinda gloomy there lately so I’m happy to bring a new little toy in. The mugs are next on my list.
I adore the action rabbit. So cute. Must have.
I will bite bad things and Roger that make me inexplicably happy.
Oh I hadn’t seen that video before, ha ha, so funny. Love the Action Mole!
The golden bandit bunny and his wooden leg rock. Love the shape of the mugs too. They look like they would feel nice to hold. The “Shades” mug is perfect. Thanks for sharing!
They do feel nice to hold! They’re not giant coffee cups or anything, but they feel very nice in the hand. 🙂
I’ve been coveting those mugs and prints for a while now, but I’m too cheap (thrifty?) to spend $30 on a mug. You’re making me re-think it, though…
Jen hand-paints each mug individually (they’re not screen-printed—so each one is unique), so maybe if you think of it not so much as being just a mug but as being an original painting that happens to be on a mug…
Hehe… Honey badger mug!? LOVE. IT.
yes. love. thank you so much for sharing.
i’m a sucker for anything honey badger. i hope she adds “thanks, stupid” and “it runs backwards”
Sarah, she has a “thanks for treat, stupid” one already! 😀
i must make this investment in the collection 🙂
Holy. Crap. A honey badger mug is totally going to make my friend’s day. Thank you for the tip!
Hilarious! So funny! The mug is great! I want one!
Oh! Sweet discovery! Yé, i want everything too…. must contain myself.
Thanks for the link to Jen’s fun work! Those little neon socks are too perfect, and timely. I also like the gold on the animals. And the mug would be great to have at the office…
Thanks again y’all, I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy inside from all the love!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or special requests.
I am in love with this shop. Thank you for the heads up. This is my type of humor and little fun to add to any day. I looked real quick last night and now I notice the peg leg guy is already sold. I am so sad. My little cat Salem was hit by a car before I adopted him and has a whole rebuilt bionic front leg. I have to have that little clay guy to represent how cool and special my cat is. Especially since no one wanted him at the shelter and now everyone thinks he is the best pet ever.
DawnMarie, you should convo Jen directly with your request! I’m sure she’d be able to make a special order for you to represent Salem. (A bionic leg!! SO COOL!!)
I really need to. She makes honey badger stuff and little guys with bionic legs. Her and I need to cross paths. She is speakin’ my language.
Dawn Marie, Salem sounds like the raddest cat ever!
I will totally make you a little cat with a bionic leg if you like.
Hit me up thru the Etsy site or at info at jenray dot net
After you tweeted about your mug yesterday I had to order the “look at that sleepy f**k” mug, and then while I was there also had to get a bunny with gold pants! I already have a tiny fox with a gold face from elsewhere, and I have the feeling they’ll be good friends. 🙂
oh my god, thank you. thank you so much for sharing the link to the honey badger. i had no idea how empty my life was.
also: jen ray’s work is beautiful, and playful and whimsical. major hearts.
Seriously!! How did I not know this existed?! And I need the ‘I will bite the bad things’ mug.
THANK YOU, Anna and Jen Ray. xoxo
honestly? i’m not sure how i didn’t know about it… but now i am doing my part to spread the word!
Honey Badger will not be stopped!
thank you for this post!! a very close friend of mine is moving far away and this makes for the most PERFECT going away gift!
thank you thank you thank you!
Awesome, fun happy lovely stuff! I would like a row of little clay animals on my mantlepiece, they’re soooooo adorable!!
Lovely lovely blog, by the way!
I had never seen that Honey Badger video — it’s now my favorite thing ever.
yes yes these are so great! thank you for sharing 🙂
I really do love those spirit animals. I have a bad habit of rewarding myself for no reason (quite frequently) and I think tomorrow I might reward myself with the little coyote, or the bear, or the mouse. Well, I’m not sure but I have to have one!
ha.. Her stuff are great.
Gah! So psyched to see this. Have crossed paths with talented Jen in South Carolina. Foust and I say hi!
cute mugs, I want one. Thanks for the honey badger link, I literally cried laughing. Bad Ass!
My boyfriend and i have what we call a “Shelf of Embellishments” (basically a 3 tiered shelf full of strange cutesy knick knacks and tiny animals). THESE CLAY ANIMALS WOULD BE PERFECT OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE
Those clay animals are gorgeous!!!! Hrmmmmm wonder if there are clay chooks and clay echidnas in there…
I am in LOVE with the clay animals. I’ve spent the last couple of months getting them shipped to their new lilly pad (UK)! Your post has made me see I am missing 3 from my family!!!!! I’ve just rushed a message via Etsy to Jen asking for a custom order. I need these beauties like I need chocolate before my period! Your awsome!
wonderful post! jen ray’s new works rock!