I have some real posts lined up (including some pictures of the apartment—finally!), but right now I just want to take a quick ART BREAK. Here’s a brief history of John Baldessari crammed into six minutes…and narrated by Tom Waits. PERFECT. Two of my most favorite guys. I love this.
Commissioned by LACMA for their first annual “Art + Film Gala” honoring John Baldessari and Clint Eastwood.
Directed by Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman
Edited by Max Joseph
Written by Gabriel Nussbaum
Cinematography by Magdalena Gorka & Henry Joost
Produced by Mandy Yaeger & Erin Wright
Thanks to Loren at Little Paper Planes for the find!
Love it. Thanks for sharing!
Very cool. Loved this! Made me want to go roam around a museum for an hour or so 🙂 Or watch some Jean- Luc Godard movies. Also, John Baldessari’s library totally has call numbers!
I noticed the call numbers, too!! I wonder if he just lifted a whole library of if he’s got his own system going on.
Oh this is a great link 🙂 I like the “I will not make any more boring art” lines he had the NSCAD students write. Hilarious. His old photo works are so great too… I especially like the “WRONG” with a palm tree growing out of a man’s head.
Damn. That was awesome!
Watching this was the highlight of my day so far.
I loved his comments: “I might have said that.” “I can live with that.” Love a dry sense of humor.
I wish I could go to the show.
That was great! Thank you for posting it.
Oh gosh. I think I’m in the wrong frame of mind right now. All I can think about is how I’m “cheap,” non-“posessed,” and will probably never be “in the right place at the right time.” Back to the drawing board!
Pun not intended…
I love anything narrated by Tom Waits including this.
Brilliant. That’s going straight to the pool room. Thank you for sharing.