I just came across illustrator and graphic designer Butcher Billy’s “Post-Punk + New Wave Super Friends” series, and I’m not going to be able to resist ordering at least a couple of prints for my walls. Butcher Billy has applied the concept of a superhero to his heroes — the pop culture icons who influenced him as a kid. As he explains it…
As a child of the ’80s I was heavily influenced by everything from Saturday morning cartoons on TV to the music coming from the radio. Ian Curtis or Johnny Rotten are as iconic to me as Superman or Batman. Real people or imaginary characters, the incorruptible ideals of perfect superheroes or the human flaws and desires sometimes so desperately depicted in song lyrics — all of those influences affect us to the point of defining our character and personality, career paths and life choices.
Well, shoot. That just about says it, right? I totally agree, and it looks like Billy and I have a lot of the same heroes.
You can order any of Butcher Billy’s Post-Punk and New Wave Super Friends designs as prints or on t-shirts, iPhone cases and other items through his shop at Society6. View the entire series of posters at Behance.
All images © Butcher Billy / Available for sale through Society6 / Found via Slicing Up Eyeballs
I can’t resist that Joy Division print!
Rad. Batman is my favorite… those Joy Division mountain/line/whatever things look a little bit like Batman’s little ears.
Oh wow, Siouxie Sioux might have to come live with me….great find!!
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee; ADORE Siouxsie as Wonder woman; wished for a better song for Robert’s print but he’s perfect for Plastic Man and Super Stephen…SOLD (t-shirts x3 for me…despite my age!)
They are very cool and they give a splash of colour in a house. I must check the prices.
Ha, those are great! Love the BW version of Batman/Joy Division.
Holy crap, those are awesome…
So good!