Ed Ruscha // The Act of Letting a Person into Your Home, 1983
Edward Ruscha Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings
Somehow, Evan and I managed to take three entire days off from work at the same time, and we’re a little overwhelmed thinking about what we need to do between now and Sunday.
• Bruno to vet for annual checkup
• Put ad on CraigsList for NHA yard sale (Here it is)
• Oil change
• Decide whether or not an electric blue sofa is a good idea (It’s not)
• Watch Inside Man
• Evan to help set up tables on the bluff
• NHA yard sale / 9:00 AM–noon
• Grocery shopping
• Rake leaves, clean up garden
• Work on bedroom projects
• Dinner at Mommy’s house
• Clean house, do laundry
• Make veggie chili and lentil soup
OK, not so bad, I guess! I’ll probably be adding things to these lists here and there as I think of more stuff we need to do. It’s so helpful to break it down day by day.
Holy crapballs, lady. You sound BUSY!! Wish I could come to your sale (and eat delicious cookies) but I hope you get rid of everything fast!
I like your lists.
I’m not actually selling anything! Maybe cookies.
Yes, to the electric blue sofa!! I have a beautiful one in perfect condidition from the early 70’s that I love. The color definitely dominates a room, but would look great with all the white and black in your home.
The dominant colors in the living room are gray-brown and reddish-brown woods. The blue sofa is looking very busy and far too heavy, sadly.
Oh, Inside Man is great. You’re gonna love it.
Huh. So far my “to-do” list is to watch last night’s Project Runway! Maybe I should pick up some paint on my way home so I at least have 2 things to do.
ELECTRIC BLUE SOFA, oh yes please.
Yard Sale?! *ears perk up* If I go in disguise, can I buy all your stuff and not be creepy? I bet you’re selling all kinds of fabulous things.
I’m not selling anything but cookies!
well, I bet you’re selling all kinds of fabulous cookies. I hope you accessorize with a fanny pack and a visor, like a yard-sale-themed yard sale. Sometimes you have to make your own fun.
Actually, I’m thinking I might just make a donation in lieu of actually baking.
Sigh. I’m such a loser.
Electric blue sofas are always a good idea. I sold mine about six months ago and I miss it to this day.
Imagine how accomplished you’re going to feel on Monday. Please get an electric blue sofa immediately!
whoa….i read “evan is setting up tables in the buff”. need more coffee.
Wow! He’s going to need more coffee, too, then! (I have no idea what that means.)
Anna – “in the buff” is British slang for naked 😉
Oh, we say that in the US, too—I meant I don’t know what I mean by Evan needing more coffee!
Oh really, you do? I love what I learn from shelter blogs!
I usually make a list, break it into days and then ignore it and do what I most feel like doing. I rebel against my own self inflicted authority! Do you have the sofa in your home already, if so let’s see it?!
I’m having some of your veggie chili for dinner. It is leftovers from the freezer but since I am cooking my man a pork tenderloin (obviously he’s not a vegetarian) I figured that would be easy so I don’t have to cook two meals. Can’t wait to see your bedroom all finished. Hope you raise lots of money today!
I LOVE your veggie chilli – I cook it all the time and every time I bring it as a lunch to work someone asks for the recipe! Do you have any other recipes that you cook all the time? If they’re half as good as the chilli I’d love to try! 😉