“The Cinematic Portrayal of Graphic Designers in Film & Television”
Film by Ellen Mercer & Lucy Streule
HAHAHAHAHA. Well, what can I possibly add? Nothing other than this, I guess…
Image source unknown, possibly created by magic
“The Cinematic Portrayal of Graphic Designers in Film & Television”
Film by Ellen Mercer & Lucy Streule
HAHAHAHAHA. Well, what can I possibly add? Nothing other than this, I guess…
Image source unknown, possibly created by magic
I watched a cheesy Lifetime Christmas movie recently and the heroin was a ‘web designer’. All she did the entire movie was talk into a voice recorder leaving random notes to herself about whether she needed to re-evaluate the text-alignment and line-height for better SEO. I laughed my butt off…
Hahahaha!! That makes me think of this…
Hahaha omg bookmarking and returning to this for a good laugh whenever I’m having a designer pity party (those in attendance: me).
I predict that party will start at 2:30am, and the beverages served will be tears of anxiety and coffee! Am I right?
Lol that video was too funny! It’s crazy how things are portrayed in movies/TV and for people who’ve never experienced the situations for themselves, the stereotypes on TV are seen as reality!
I think that writers make people graphic designers in film/tv because they can write what they know…in a sense. Freelancing, trying to push your own brand…without being that writer who is writing about writing.
That and architects. Why are there always architects?
Because we are awesome.
Too funny! I love it when Hollywood tries to write jobs they only vaguely understand.
Like in the movie Never Been Kissed, and Drew Barrymore is supposedly a copy editor with an assistant and her own office? AND she wants to be a reporter but no one will let her? LMAO. That’s never happened … ever … in the world.
OMG, seriously. “You make pamphlets, DJ flyers…you’re a fuckin sell out.” Except in my case, it’s wine labels and brochures for a mean ol’ corporation.
Hey Anna,
A lot of blogs that I used to read are winding down in terms of content as houses get finished, or as the bloggers have more kids and less time to blog (all of which is totally normal and fine). I was wondering if you could share any blogs that you’re reading now, that you’re really into? (Obviously, Manhattan Nest 4evar)
(Apologies for being off topic)
Hi Janine, the only blogs I read regularly are Manhattan Nest and sfgirlbybay. I just don’t have the time these days for anything more.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and thought of you when I saw this since you’ve mentioned that you’ve used Photoshop for several years. Hope you enjoy (and thanks for teaching me how to turn a picture into a circle!).
Watch as Photoshop Experts Try Their Hand at the Original Photoshop 1.0
haha, thank you.
i feel like what you added made it exponentially better – just like a graphic designer would 🙂
(but did you try shifting it to the right just a bit?)
Like in the movie Never Been Kissed, and Drew Barrymore is supposedly a copy editor with an assistant and her own office? AND she wants to be a reporter but no one will let her? LMAO. That’s never happened … ever … in the world.
Rofl! It’s crazy how things are portrayed in movies/TV and for people who’ve never experienced the situations for themselves, the stereotypes on TV are seen as reality!
How humor it is to see graphic designers being portrayed in the craziest ways like these, behind movies perspective, I haven’t seen graphic designers like these. Nice to share such weird,, thanks.