This pink dust pan and broom are really cute. | Door Sixteen
I Want This

This pink dust pan and broom are really cute.

Good Thing pink broom & dustpan - doorsixteen.com

I’ve had a $25 West Elm gift card in my wallet for years. Years. I think I got it at a blogging event (you know, back when I used to write blog posts more than once every six months), and I’m sure I intended to use it, but $25 is one of those itchy gift card amounts—it’s enough to feel substantial, but not quite enough that you don’t have a feeling you’ll find up needing to fork out a few bucks of your own to cover the difference in price once you pick out what you want to buy with it.

Anyway, in the midst of a burst of 2020 energy, I decided to clean out my wallet…and there was the gift card! After checking to make sure it was still valid, I popped over to the West Elm website and headed directly to the clearance section (filtered to only show things under $25, of course). Scroll, scroll, scroll…PINK DUST PAN!!! $14.99!!! Add to cart, checkout, done. WATCH OUT, 2020!

It just came in the mail, and it’s super cute. Would you believe I didn’t already own a little broom and dust pan? I have big ones for outdoor cleanup, but nothing practical for indoor stuff like spilled coffee grounds or little pieces of onion skin. This set is perfect! (Did I mention it was only $14.99? And I used a gift card? Yes?)

Good Thing Richman broom & dustpan - doorsixteen.com

The Richman dust pan was designed by Christopher Specce for the Brooklyn-based company Good Thing, and is currently available from West Elm in three colors—pink, rust, and green. Yes, the photo above shows it in black and blue, but that’s an old product photo. I tried to take a picture myself to show how nicely the handle of the broom slots into the handle of the dust pan (exposing a metal loop that’s perfect for hanging on a little hook), but it’s surprisingly awkward to try to take a photo with your right hand while extending your left arm to hold up something a foot and a half long.

It was on clearance for $14.99 (I may have mentioned that already), so it’s very possible that this is something that’s about to be discontinued, so if you think you want one, hop on it sooner rather than later.

Yatzy - doorsixteen.com

p.s. While I was writing this post, I came across a pink and red yatzy set (apparently “yatzy” isn’t exactly the same thing as “Yahtzee”…huh), and I think that might be where the $10 left on my gift card is going to go. Cute! Cute!

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  • Reply Annabelle February 11, 2020 at 6:47 pm

    Ok very specific I know but when you sweep up dust, does it all get *into the pan* rather than going under it? I’ve gone through multiple dust pans with this issue and I just cannot take it anymore!!

    • Anna Dorfman February 12, 2020 at 8:12 am

      Annabelle, I just tested it out with coffee grounds (which I purposely spilled for the sake of trying it with something trickier to sweep up than, say, shredded paper), and it passed the test! I did have to turn the pan at the end to get that last “line,” (hopefully you know what I mean), but none of the grounds went UNDER the pan. The edge of the steel pan does seem to be very straight, so it’s making full contact with the floor across the whole width.

    • Annabelle February 12, 2020 at 4:16 pm

      YES, thank you!!

  • Reply Kat February 12, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    THANK YOU for posting this. I immediately bought it. Can’t stop/won’t stop buying all the blush pink things while they’re still trendy.

    • Anna Dorfman February 12, 2020 at 12:04 pm

      Kat, ME TOO. (Have you seen Food52 has a pink edition of Yamazaki’s dish rack?? I wish I didn’t already own it in white!!)

  • Reply Lori February 15, 2020 at 6:44 am

    You are the absolute queen of finding things in that shade of pink that I must absolutely have! Ordering this now. It’s a definite upgrade from my dingy old plastic set, and I like that it’s cute enough I can hang it somewhere visible and easy to grab.

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