exteriors Archives | Door Sixteen
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  • Black house in Montreal designed by Architecture Open Form - doorsixteen.com

    A black house in Montréal.

    Happy Friday! I’m taking a quick break from my bedroom makeover to ogle this incredible black house in Montréal. Québec-based firm Architecture Open Form restored the wooden facade (including a complete rebuild…

  • Yeah, I could live there.

    Beckman Villa, Stockholm // DAPstockholm, 2004 Welcome to a new, semi-regular D16 feature: Yeah, I could live there. Wherein I post pictures of houses I want to break into, kick out the…

  • Yay! Black trim!

    First of all, thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes yesterday. They are much appreciated. I had a very nice, low-key birthday (just how I like it). Evan gave…

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