The Jacksons, “Blame It On The Boogie” (1978)
Grace has a great post up today over at Design*Sponge about music to start your day with, and as I was leaving my comment about the songs that never fail to get me going (“Blame It On The Boogie” by the Jacksons and “Push” by the Cure), I decided that I’m going to let the mood of this video dictate my attitude for this entire week. Or at least the rest of today. Or even just this morning. I’ll do the best I can!
I’m a strong believer in the idea that if you pretend to be enthusiastic about something, you will eventually find yourself actually becoming engaged and genuinely happy to be doing what you’re doing. I tend to be super-cynical about so much in life, and that cynicism (of course) inevitably leads to feeling grouchy and put-out over having to do all of the things that need to be done over the course of a day. Even the most tedious of tasks (I’m looking at a stack of invoices as I write this) is more fun if you fake having a good time.
Not that Mike and the boys are faking it here, of course, but really…I need to let the dirty rhythm move me and get on with my day, already. More boogie, less whining!
I agree with this! People always wonder why I am so darn happy at work but I have to be or I can’t get through the day (even though I love my job). I like to listen to lots of fun music in my office cause it really affects my mood! I have dance parties.
Hi! Thank you for noticing our new blog RTIF:) I have been folloving your blog about five years. Love what you have done with your home!
Kind Recards,
Thank you for this post! I’m in the west coast, waiting for the workmen to show up and remove the built-in cabinet in my dining room because something DIED in the gap behind it. This song was in instant mood uplifter. (I love the rest of the blog as well.) Cheers!
Yes music!! For years I had “Mint Car” by the Cure on my wake-up playlist. That song isn’t terribly upbeat, but the lyrics are so happy.
I’m lucky no one caught me working it out at my desk to that Jacksons song! 🙂 Mine is newer but, “Dawn of the Dead” by Does It Offend You, Yeah? is such a booty-shaking, energy-boosting song!
Totally agreed! I’m a sales rep and go into art galleries and frame shops all day long. Sounds like fun, but when you get to know the owners and they just want someone to listen too about how hard business is right now it gets pretty depressing! The best thing is I can leave a shop get in my car and play some good music very loud and sing along like an idiot! It lightens my mood.
Great song. Great, great song.
I hope you recorded Oprah today, great interview with the Jacksons.
Ugh, again?! I do everything I can to avoid her, especially when any member of the Jackson family is involved. Don’t get me started on that woman.
(That was completely NOT directed at you, by the way—that’s just always my reaction when that name comes up! Generally speaking, MJ fans won’t touch her with a 50-foot pole…)
this made me cry.
although, I’d like to thank Jackie for choosing the no shirt/ scarf combo, very pleasing!
No, no, no! No crying! Only boogying! 🙂
Amen to that, sister!
Music is such a mood shifter.
I’ve just discovered the Eurythmics’ I’ve got a life. Woo hooooooo!
Love it. This is a go-to attitude improvement song for me, too. It is impossible for me to feel bad while listening to this song. The way it kicks off with the drums – ba-DUM-bum – you know something fun is about to happen!
I admit I’m not a regular Oprah watcher, but this caught my attention.
Given your reaction, I can only hope to see a hilarious post about Ms. Winfrey in the future.
There are three things I know better than to discuss on my blog: (1) religion, (2) Lady Gaga, (3) Oprah Winfrey. 😉
(I will say, though, that I totally agree with this article.)
Love to start the day with a great song to get me in a good mood. Sometimes I also like to be sad and indulge the feeling with some sad music…
Me too, me too.
GOOD MORNING!! Nothing to be sad about today. That man loved his music! No pretending in that video – pure boogie! (But I totally agree. Sometimes you have to fake everyone out)
Have a great day!
Curious, did you post that breakdown of food plans/costs? I feel like I am always behind, I’m not so good at keeping up with all the various portals. So maybe it’s on twitter or flickr or something . . .
Liza, I don’t have time this week. Too busy! I’ll definitely try to do that at some point, though. 🙂
This made my day. One of my all time favorite Michael videos – his dancing is infectious and he looks so happy. My mom and I used to dance on the furniture to this and the Jacksons’ other motown hits when I was a kid, and listening to these songs always brings back the best memories. I will be jamming to this in my head for the rest of the day!
“Enjoy Yourself” is another great mood-lifter!
If for no other reason than those outrageous Spock-like outfits! I also love Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground):
Thank you for this post!
I too believe in the fake until you make it philosophy, if you dwell in misery it will cloak everything you do. Love this song, love MJ!
This made me cry also. I just realized how amazing his voice really was when i was watching american idol and they completely butchered his songs. Michael looks so happy in that video. RIP
He was the best. Really…and he still is. 🙂
That’s the spirit! Also love Push, this song always makes my day happier.
“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”
Sorry Canadian person…I don’t have any control over Sony’s territorial licensing. I’m sure if you search on YouTube you can find another upload that’s viewable in Canada.
I heard a song today I haven’t heard in long time – And She Was – Talking Heads. This song always makes me feel good. Loved Michael.
2 of my favorite “happy” songs!!
This song always makes me smile. My mood has just improved! Thanks!
Thank you