I’m really not so much of a jewelry person, I guess. I tend to wear the same pieces over and over again, and most of them, including this fabulous ring, came from (I’m slightly embarrassed to admit) Forever 21 or H&M. With so many talented jewelry designers handmaking special pieces and selling at very reasonable prices, there’s really no reason that I should be succumbing to the allure of cheapie, mass-produced stuff made in China.
I do have to admit that jewelry sometimes makes me feel a little self-conscious, as though I’m trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear (what a horrible expression—and I suppose I’m the sow’s ear in that equation), but as I was looking through my favorites on Etsy earlier today, I was kind of surprised to see that there’s an awful lot of jewelry in there.
Lucky number necklaces no1 and no6 from (of)matter
Attention Major Goofball! Please report for duty! I know, I know…how much of a dork can I be? I love these lucky number necklaces from (of)matter, though, and I’m really tempted to just go for it and order the 1 and the 6 and wear them with pride. Unless of course they move around and people think I’m 61 years old. Or worse, that they stay in place and it looks like I’m trying to pretend I’m 16. (I’m over-thinking this, right?)
Coal geo earrings from A Merry Mishap
I actually just bought these like five minutes ago. I’ve had my eye on them forever, and they’re so inexpensive and simple and really just perfect. Can you believe they’re made out of polymer clay?! I tend to wear dangly earrings that are on the large side, but I’ve been wanting something a little more subdued every now and then. I’m excited. (ARE THEY HERE YET?) A Merry Mishap has them in a bunch of other colors, too, in case you need your own pair.
Medium Python Hoops and Quartz Stud Earrings from Alana Douvros
This stuff is a little more fancy-pants (anytime something smaller than a hamster crosses the $50 mark, I automatically consider it fancy-pants). Alana Douvros specifies that all of her python jewelry is cruelty-free, and that “all pythons died of natural causes”. For me, this conjures touching scenes of snakes gathered around an elderly loved-one’s bedside, holding hands…oh wait, not hands, um…tails entwined as they say their last goodbyes. I imagine the reality is much more mundane, but it’s nice to know that nobody is dying just to be made into a pair of earrings. (She does also offer sterling and bronze cast python earrings if the idea of wearing bone weirds you out, though.)
I have no interest in diamonds, and these quartz earrings come dangerously close to being TOO fancy-pants for me (those of you who like real diamonds are probably rolling your eyes out of your heads right now), but I love them anyway. They look like Real Jewelry to me. I’m not sure I could pull them off, but I aspire to do so.
Stay tuned for part two…
Those geo earrings! Mine.
Love the geo earrings…just did my own post about Jenn’s jewelry on Friday…http://spicklebee.blogspot.com/2011/04/gee-ode.html
I’m waiting for some more to arrive soon!
I feel you on the diamonds. Clear rocks for hundreds, what gives? LOVE the python hoops. For someone claiming not to be a jewelry person, you have great taste.
Hi! Jewelry has always been so weird for me – I admire it on other people but I feel like it sticks out like a sore thumb on me! I seem to get along with really long pendant necklaces – in fact, I’m on the hunt for a cool magnifying glass necklace – really, to use too! I do admire some of the antique Victorian pieces – rather gothic looking. I could care less for expensive jewelry – I’d rather have furniture! Etsy does have some interesting jewelry, too!
All of your earring choices just knocked. my. socks off. I, too, veer toward Bthe jewelry free, but some of these be straight up game changers.
The python earrings! The hot quartz numbers!
I do hope they aren’t too terribly pricey… I think my hamster $$$ benchmark is more like $20. But I should learn to live a little, right?
I don’t know why there is a random capital B in my comment, except that my computer is haunted. Please excuse!
Oh, I love the jewelry. For some reason, I am in to owls and bead lately.
I never used to wear jewelry but a few years ago I got a little obsessed with necklaces. Nothing fancy or flashy–I actually prefer when it has a bit of a patina or tarnish. I particularly love Erica Weiner’s designs: http://ericaweiner.com/
I love Erica Weiner’s stuff! I own her handcuff pendant, but I keep forgetting about it. I’ll wear it tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Love the geo studs! I rarely wear earrings nowadays even though I have 4 holes in my earlobes…
Oh Miss Anna, I hear you on the silk purse equation… I feel like shedding a tear, you’ve really hit the mark on something I’ve somehow forgotten I feel about myself. Hmmm, this is sounding like Oprah… a makeover special! I feel this way about make-up, too. So, you’ve helped me articulate something important… note to self for next appointment with therapist (not joking!) :0)
I’ve only just started wearing jewellery really – and I’m 40!
I rather like how diamonds sparkle, but will only wear Argyle diamonds (not mined by slave labour), or fakes. Actually, fakes are better because it doesn’t matter if you lose them. And who can tell from far away?
Nice choices. But I couldn’t come at python bones. Or moulds thereof.
Looking FW to seeing part 2!
Those python bone earrings are amazeballs.
This post really tickles me, because I’m exactly the same way! I am not a jewelry person AT. ALL. I wear the same necklace and earring every single day. Yet, my Etsy account is filled with all of these delightful jewelry choices that I love. For some reason, I have really taken a liking to all of the beautiful/simple/original stud earrings I’ve found. Stud earrings! Of all things! These are the earrings I’ve been lusting after most. But I also love the constellation earrings and the sunset rocks earrings. The handcuff necklace also tickles my fance quite a bit.
It makes me a little sad to see that handcuff necklace, if only because it appears to be a nearly direct copy of a very popular Erica Weiner design from several years ago that I happen to own. Her handcuff necklace (seen here in brass; it also comes in silver and gold) was featured in Domino magazine in 2006. I suppose it’s possible that it’s just a coincidence, of course, and really do I hope that that’s what it is.
Oh no! I’m glad you mentioned that to me. I know that it is possible for people to have similar creative ideas (do you KNOW how many brilliant business ideas I have had, only to find out someone else had the same brilliant idea?!), but when possible, I do try to support the ideas of the original designers. Thanks for pointing this out to me. And thank you for reminding us all about the importance of being a conscientious buyer. You have certainly provoked many important conversations in my house about the power of a dollar.
It’s funny, I’m not much of a jewellery person either, or make-up, nor do I spend lots of money on clothes (not that that’s an option), and yet I always appreciate these things on others, when done in well (I originally wrote “in moderation” but there are some OTT looks I love — I’d just never have the ovaries to do them myself). I always toy with new pieces of jewellery, which doesn’t really help make myself less self-conscious.
I totally get you on the jewelery thing. I, for one, CANNOT wear bracelets b/c they give me skinny dude arms. I do have a red leather wrist band that feels right at home, however. I have a diamond engagement ring (never got around to choosing a wedding band) that I only wear for fancy-pants occasions, and when I do wear it, I get all paranoid about being mugged, which I realize is completely ridiculous. The rest of the time, I rock this silver guy that I got on Etsy: http://ny-image2.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.104278626.jpg
It’s much more my speed.
I can’t stop imagining those python hoops as bracelets, perfect!
I love your taste in jewelry.
Great picks. The bone earrings are rather unusual.
I collect and make jewelry although I never actually get around to wearing it. In the morning, I manage to throw on my wedding band and this one silver ring I’ve been wearing for the last 2 years, but always forget earrings, etc. When I do, I usually end up choosing one thing because I usually feel ridiculous and really self-conscious wearing a lot (you know, like more than 2 things) of pieces. The things I make usually end up being given away because I know I’ll never get around to actually wearing them!
I love the lumps of coal earrings you chose – and the quartz crystals are nice too.
Oooh I have two of the ofmatter necklaces, one with the number ‘9.’ Absolute love!