Talking Heads / “This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody)” / Directed by David Byrne
I have posts coming, I promise! My schedule has been jam-packed for the past week and a half, but I’ll be back soon. I’m tired of seeing my face at the top of the blog, though, so here’s something else—one of the best songs ever by one of the best bands ever with one of the most happymaking videos ever to accompany it. How can you watch this and not smile?
By the way, thank you so much for all of the thoughtful questions on my Go Ask Anna post. I had a lot of fun answering them, and I’ll definitely work on expanding some of the trickier (and broader-interest!) ones into full blog posts soon.
See you very soon!
Talking Heads / “This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody)” / From Stop Making Sense, Directed by Jonathan Demme
(I edited in the also-awesome live version from Stop Making Sense just to have an excuse to listen to it again…)
favourite band ever! Tina Weymouth is SO COOL!
I must be having a case of Baader-Meinhof with Talking Heads! After seeing Stop Making Sense this weekend, I’ve had the music stuck in my head and everywhere I go someone is playing music by David Byrne!
Yay! Love love love every version I’ve ever heard of this song
Love that song. Thanks for taking me back to some great memories!
I have so much love for this song. It always makes me weepy. Plus, the video reminds me of my granny.
I LOOOOOVE HIM…. Saw David Byrne two years ago in Chicago — moved me to tears. Saw Stop Making Sense in IMAX at a special screening — amazing. I love Talking Heads, I love David Byrne, I love these videos. I feel like there’s a tribe of people who are vehement about them/him, and I am proud to be part of the clan.
I used to like to think that I would marry David Byrne when I grew up after seeing that movie. Psycho killer, also really great, and Girlfriend… I could go on…
I really liked your hair by the way…
My brother took me to see Stop Making Sense in the theater when I was 9 years old, and I felt much the same way! I still do, actually. He is just impossibly smart and cool and handsome.
Exactly! That’s what I loved about him as well and of course the random irrational optimism and joy that that movie exhuded. That you could do anything you want just make it fun and interesting while doing it (but not in a disney-fied cooky-cutter “lets not be real” kind of way). Have a wonderful day!
P.s. Another version is here (this is at Jools Holland in the BBC studios Jools is another one of my heroes in music):
I’m so happy you posted this! I can’t stop listening to this song ever since I watched Lars and the real girl.
Most favorite best song ever ever ever.