I’ve had Sydney-based typographer, illustrator and artist Georgia Hill on my radar for ages now. I keep hoping just the right book cover project will come along and I’ll be able to hire her, but in the mean time, I really want to share some of Georgia’s incredible work!
The posters above were created for agency Vault49’s New York office. You can see the full series on Georgia’s website.
Illustrated lettering for Good Things Are Everywhere. Check out the progress shots—I always love seeing how artists work, especially when that work starts with a pencil.
Last year, Georgia created this gorgeous mural for the Australian coffee roastery Single Origin Roasters, as well as an illustration for their “Random Acts of Art” coffee bag series. So cool. (Single Origin Roasters has a very nice interview with Georgia on their blog, by the way!)
I’m really into this mural, “Can’t It Be So Simple,” painted on the back of the (now-defunct) Tate Gallery. I have no idea what goes into translating art from the page to a wall, but it must be amazingly satisfying to see your work at that scale!
Holy. Moly. When I look at work like this, I kind of just feel like putting away any drawing/painting implements I own and forgetting that I even have hands, because…it’s just that good. This is a poster Georgia created for Travis Egnor. Beautiful.
And finally…woah. This is part of Georgia’s Instant Slow Jams series, and I’ll be staring at it, glazed over, for the next four hours, while listening to this.
Make sure to check out more of Georgia Hill’s work on her website. She also has a great Instagram where she shares lots of progress shots and sketches and stuff!
All images via Georgia Hill.
so good!
I knew you’d dig her stuff!!
Unbelievably cool stuff!
Thanks for sharing these! They are so cool – and so is your new blogging plan.
Hi Anna,
Totally random but I was browsing a news website in Australia today and your photo popped up for an ad on the sidebar… An article about hair with your pic!!!
Your hair is famous lol
Check it out, should you be getting hair model royalties 😉
Jess, I guess they changed the picture? Unless I’m looking in the wrong place…
… totally unrelated comment, I just want to say that I am THRILLED to bits that you’re posting so often now, Anna! I love every little thing about Door Sixteen and its been great being able to click over every day and find something new. Thank YOU!! xx!!
Thank you for the introduction — I hadn’t seen her work before. Really, really good stuff!