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Vanity + Wearables

  • Spring Outfit - doorsixteen.com

    Is it spring? No? How about now?

    As I write this post, it’s pouring rain and 50°F. Whoever started the rumor that New Mexico is a year-round blazing hot dry desert was a liar—much of the state gets snow,…

  • Moorea Seal giveaway - doorsixteen.com

    Moorea Seal giveaway!

    A few weeks ago, I ordered some goodies from Moorea Seal. Do you know about Moorea? I met her in 2013 when I spoke at Camp Mighty, and at the time, she…

  • Kate Miss jewelry - doorsixteen.com

    Gorgeous jewelry from Kate Miss.

    Kate Miss is one of those people I’ve admired from afar for years. She used to have a cool blog called For Me, For You, and now she has a cool blog…

  • black & white triangles - doorsixteen.com

    Triangle Friday!

    I love when someone emails me a link to something with triangles (or droplets, or plus signs…) because it made them think of me. I LOVE TRIANGLES! They’re such a perfectly balanced…

  • Summer Dresses - doorsixteen.com

    Six dresses.

    ✚ Old Navy / Jacquard Shift Dress ✚ Urban Outfitters / Gauze Cocoon Dress I’ve been trying to wear dresses more often this summer, mainly because it’s been so humid. My favorite…

  • Zodiac pins from The Good Twin.

    So, I’m one of those people who gets all indignant about astrology and how it’s total nonsense, and then turns around gets all “Libra power!”-ish and faithfully checks their horoscope all the…

  • Moomin by Ivana Helsinki.

    That’s right, TWO Moomin posts inside of a month! I hadn’t heard of Ivana Helsinki until I came across Finnish designer Paola Suhonen’s line while Googling “Moomin dress” a few nights ago.…

  • Things with cats on them.

    June 25th was supposedly “Take Your Cat to Work Day,” a terrible idea if I ever heard one (well, unless you work in a bodega), and my ever-fashionable friend John came in…

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