I just finished making up a few batches of spiced nuts to give the adults tomorrow, and I thought I’d share the recipe. My sister Sarah gave it to me a few years ago (I replaced the honey in the original with agave), and they’re impossible to screw up. Super easy, and really yummy—sweet and crunchy, with a bite of spice at the end.
Holiday Spiced Nuts (vegan)
Makes 1 1/2 cups
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp agave nectar
3/4 cup walnut halves
3/4 cup pecan halves
Fine sea salt
Line a cookie sheet with foil, and lightly oil the foil.
Heat the olive oil in a large, non-stick pan over medium heat. Add ginger, curry and cayenne; stir, then add sugar and agave and combine. Add nuts and toss gently to coat. Stir occasionally for 5-6 minutes until nuts are toasted and agave has darkened.
Transfer nuts to prepared cookie sheet. Immediately use spoon to separate nuts and spread into a single layer. Sprinkle with salt and let cool completely.
It’s a busy night here in Newburgh as we prepare for Christmas! A couple of hours ago, I got a call from my mother, who informed me that her oven stopped working in the middle of a batch of cookies. This wouldn’t be a big deal if it were just about the cookies, but my mother was also preparing to cook Christmas dinner…for 16 people. Yikes!
Fortunately, we live about 10 minutes away, so we’ve decided to reroute everyone to our place instead! My mother will drive all of the uncooked food over tomorrow morning, and everything will be just fine. I’m trying not to let myself get anxious. I tend to get a little obsessive about how the house looks when people come over, and I just don’t know how much I’ll be able to get done in the next 16 hours (provided I sleep at some point).
I just need to keep reminding myself that my family won’t care if everything isn’t perfect. Right? And I have to let them help me wash dishes.
sounds perfect! unexpected and spontaneous. have a wonderful christmas, anna! xo
Holidays are about family… not ether the bed is made. Relax! 🙂
love your packaging! can’t wait to try out your recipe. thanks for sharing!
recipe sounds delicious. don’t worry- no one is going to care or remember what your house looked like. they are going to remember being together having a good time with good food and family.
it will be awesome.
merry christmas
Merry Christmas Anna! Have a great day with your family 🙂
16 people, what fun! They won’t care at all about the things that bother you when you look around… and plus, the house looks great! Don’t stress, I’m sure everyone will have a fantastic time, you included. Merry Christmas to everyone!
Chinese food and a movie (or two) at my house… we’re the most cliché jews on the planet.
chinese food and a movie, sounds wonderfully relaxing. have a great day.
btw – I love your blog
Happy Holidays Anna and thanks for all the awesome posts! I am sure everyone will have a blast at your house.
All you need is love!!! I wish you all the best, I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time!
Oh, thank you so much for this recipe — it looks like I’ve found next year’s gifts!
Have a wonderful time!
The nuts sound delicious, will definitely try that recipe. I’m sure everything will be fine today. Sounds like everything is under control and your family is lucky to have to you to save the day….hope it is wonderful!
Merry Christmas from England!
Love your blog, read it all the while. Please continue.
I am sure no one will bother, they will just be happy to see you and have a lovely meal together. Your house is lovely and only you will know if you’ve stuffed all the ‘rubble’ into a cupboard or basement!
I love the labels on the nuts, where did they come from?
i will definitely be trying out this recipe for spiced nuts! sounds yummy.
and i am sure no one will mind/notice if not everything is perfect – your house is totally lovely.
i hope you enjoy the day!
I’m not sure if you have seen this yet, but it is such a moving story I had to share…
Merry X-mas!
Hey Anna, congrats on the mention in “The Design Blogs Daily” newsletter!!
It’s not a “mention” so much as it is an ad-based RSS feed aggregator designed to make it look like I (among others) write for this person. I don’t.
Why should my posts be used to generate ad revenue for someone else?
Not a fan.
i love your blog! and as I read it tonight I am making some sweet, spicey pecans of my own. your recipe sounds great! try adding some sweet pimenton, to make it nice and smikey…
Wow, I had know idea. Guess that’s the idea.
I noticed it happened to a tweet of mine . . . thought it was odd.
Thanks for the info.
I had filed this recipe away and decided to make them as a treat in the VIP party bag for my guests tomorrow night at my zany Oscar party. I found small cardboard popcorn bags, changed the label to “For My Sweet & Spicy Movie Nut”, and bagged them in cellophane bags. Adorable and delicious! And SO easy…they will definitely be a holiday gift next year.
RIght now the kale chips are in the oven. LOVE all of your recipes and enticing photos. Thanks!
That sounds so cute, Karen!