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  • Weekend notes.

    For the past six months (and by “six months” I mean my entire life) I’ve carried this looming sense of having forgotten to do something really important, but being incapable of remembering…

  • Weekends + Wallflowers.

    Oh, just some weekend Instagram snaps I’ve been meaning to share here! Top to bottom, left to right… ✖ How cool is this black West Elm skull candle? I pretty much only…

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    10-hour to-do.

    The bookshelf-building project has been going well (aside from the fact that the shelves don’t really have many books on them yet), but it’s been at the expense of the rest of…

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    Moominland Midwinter.

    Once a year, just as it truly begins to feel like winter never really had a beginning and can’t possibly have an end, I read Moominland Midwinter. My brother Gordy, ten years…

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