It doesn’t snow much in the lower half of New York state anymore, so every time we do get an actual snowstorm here with a decent amount of accumulation it’s a cause…
Look how much snow there is in the garden! I love how pristine it is. Not even a single squirrel has ventured to cross. I know I should probably bring the Hardoy…
As I predicted, I awoke this morning to a wintry scene of edges rounded with white, trees laced with soft puffs of snow, and, this being NYC, the less-romantic sight of salty,…
Once a year, just as it truly begins to feel like winter never really had a beginning and can’t possibly have an end, I read Moominland Midwinter. My brother Gordy, ten years…
I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about the huge snowstorm we had in the Northeast over the weekend, but boy oh boy…it’s really gorgeous out there. This is the view from our…
Manhattan is so beautiful in the snow, especially up here in the Heights where nature still runs (a tiny bit) wild. I love having views of trees and primordial rocks. I’m sure…
As you’ve probably heard many times over by now, we got a whole bunch of snow in the Northeast over the weekend. The Hudson Valley wasn’t hit as hard as areas north,…
I probably should have stayed home today, but OH!—Manhattan is so beautiful when it snows, even from an office window. I feel a little bit sad thinking that this might be the…