Search results for

back room

  • Wallpaper backsplashes from KitchenWalls.

    I have a confession to make. My mother sent me a link to these wallpapered backsplashes last week, but because I’m a horrible monster child, I didn’t actually look at her email…

  • Back garden to-do list.

    Between the front and back of the house, I spent about five hours outdoors yesterday doing a major cleanup in preparation for spring. Aside from a few secret crocuses, absolutely nothing is…

  • Dining room storage + lighting updates.

    Well, I didn’t get everything on my Sunday to-do list crossed off, but I made a decent dent. Daniel came down from Kingston for lunch (we went to Tito Santana Taqueria in…

  • The new apartment bathroom.

    When we first found out that my brother was going to be moving out of his longtime rental apartment, I scanned through my mental pictures of the place and quickly came to…

  • Favorite spot: My dressing room.

    Even though it’s one of my favorite spots in the house, I’ve been really bad about documenting the (slow, as usual) progress I’ve made in the dressing room over the years. I…

  • New light fixture in the bedroom!

    OK, first of all (and I know I’m always saying this), I’m sorry about the quality of these photos. I was half-asleep when I took them this morning, and I didn’t realize…

  • Some progress in the apartment bedroom…

    The bedroom in the new apartment is coming together much faster than I thought it would, and it’s looking pretty cute. Well, at least I think so. I haven’t hung anything on…

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