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back room

  • New bedroom sneak peek. Painting!

    It’s been just over a week since we moved into the new apartment, and I can tell you two things with certainty: We’re going to be holding onto this place for a…

  • Giant green nature in the dressing room.

    I’m on an ongoing quest to address a lot of little projects around the house that have gone undone or put off or half-addressed for a while, and taking care of the…

  • The apartment bedroom.

    I finally took some photos of the new apartment that aren’t iPhone snapshots! We rented this place three months ago, and since then I’ve really been struggling to make it feel right…

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    The living room has a black wall.

    Perhaps a more fitting title for this post might have been, “Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before”—because yes, I’ve painted another wall black. But really, can you blame…

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    Nice stuff in rooms with white floors.

    Yes, that’s really the best title I could come up with. Considering this is, what, the 37th time I’ve posted about white floors, it’s getting hard to keep the language fresh! From…

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    Painting the bedroom.

    I never understand what people are talking about when they ask about my supposed “energy” and ability to complete projects so quickly. It must be an illusion caused by the fact that…

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    The apartment bathroom.

    Can you believe we’ve had the little pied-à-terre in Manhattan for ten months already? It really doesn’t feel like that long. Given that the entire thing is only 400 square feet, it’s…

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    My downstairs bathroom.

    When we finished renovating our downstairs bathroom back in April, I did a “reveal” over at Decor8 detailing all of the real-life costs associated with this kind of project. Unfortunately, there was…

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