New York City Archives | Door Sixteen
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New York City

  • Zabar's bagel delivery - doorsixteen.com

    PSA: Bagel delivery from Zabar’s is awesome.

    Photo by Geninne D Zlatkis There are a few clichés about New Yorkers that, in my experience, are absolutely true: We complain about the weather, no matter what the weather is. We…

  • Travel with a small dog - doorsixteen.com

    Traveling on an airplane with a little dog.

    I just got back from a trip home to New York to visit my family. As usual, Fritz came along, and he continues to amaze me with his adaptability and good spirits…

  • Lulu Frost studio / Katie Martinez interior - doorsixteen.com

    Lulu Frost Studio.

    I picked up Domino magazine recently for the second time since its 2013 relaunch, and after getting over some initial sticker shock (that $12 cover price is rough), I felt my money…

  • IKEA 2016 catalog launch!

    On Wednesday night I went to a press event thing for the launch of the 2016 IKEA catalog. It was held in a really cool event space near the Empire State Building…

  • Farewell, Yaffa Cafe.

    Photo: ‘Open All Night, East Village, NYC’ by Shawn Hoke I woke up this morning to the sad news—delivered by the excellent EV Grieve blog—that Yaffa Cafe has officially ceased to exist.…

  • An ode to the Kentile Floors sign.

    To the non-New Yorkers (non-Brooklynites, really) reading this, I apologize in advance. This is a location-specific lament and farewell that I don’t expect to resonate with you. I’m writing this for myself,…

  • Get Handsome at the Pop Up Flea.

    If you’re going to be in New York City this weekend and you are a man, someone who knows a man, or a lady who (like me) wears men’s clothing, might I…

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